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Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find a list of the most common questions we get asked

  General Information
  Art Work
  Tattoo Aftercare

Where are you based?

I am working in Whakatane, New Zealand.

Im coming to New Zealand for a holiday can I book in with you for when I'm back?

Yes, however I only book tattoos 2 months in advance.


Do you do tattoos?

No, at the moment I'm only doing tā moko.

How much will it cost?

I have a minimum rate of $1800 irregardless of size. 

Do you take payments in instalments? 


Will it hurt? 

Yes, however, everyone has different levels of pain tolerance.

Do you do coverups or fix ups?

No, I also do not fix up moko done by other Artists, please contact your original Artist instead.

Can I have family and friends to support me during my tattoo session? 

No, I am currently working from a small cabin and there is not much room for others.

How do I book in for a tā moko? 

You can book in for a tā moko here. In the 'Subject' box please state you are wanting moko.


What do I need to do before my tattoo?

Make sure you have something to eat and wear comfortable clothing.

Do you ever tattoo in Australia?


Do you have tattoo gift vouchers? 

Yes, I have e-vouchers available.

Can you design a piece for me to get tattooed from someone else?

No. I also do not tattoo other peoples designs or design for others to tattoo.

How do I care for my tattoo? 


  • Have a warm shower once you get home. Have the running water wash over your tattoo to clean it. Avoid using any soap or loofahs and pat dry. 

  • I personally don't recommend using any topical treatments such as balms or creams. Your body knows how to heal itself and it will by forming a crust that eventually flakes off within 1-2 weeks

  • Wear loose clothing to allow ventilation, protection from the sun and to stop irritation and rubbing 

  • Assist your body healing by having warm showers daily without soaps or loofahs directly on your tattoo and always pat dry 

  • If possible, gently wash your tattoo at least twice a day for 1-3 days



  • Direct sun exposure - wear long sleeves etc

  • Submerging/soaking your tattoo in the bath, swimming pool, beach, river etc - the shower is fine

  • Rubbing/itching/picking your tattoo - this can remove ink pigment from your skin, this results in patchy healing

  • Using lotions, tanning products or shaving/waxing the tattooed area until it has fully peeled

If you are unsure or concerned with the healing of your tattoo please send me a message.


Do you tattoo your Atua illustrations?

I have in the past. At the moment I am focussing purely on tā moko. 

What are the names and stories of the Atua you have drawn?

If you are on your phone there is a + in the bottom right corner > then the names will show. If you are on a desktop either hover your mouse over the picture or right click it

Do you have any art for sale and how much does it cost?

Yes! There are Atua prints available here.

Do you do commissioned art work? e.g. pencil on paper, paint on canvas, murals, digital work. 

No, I am no longer taking on any commission work.

  Tā Moko
  Atua Project
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