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  • Is Te Haunui the right fit for you?
    Kia ora and thank you for your interest in getting mataora. It’s beautiful to see the reclamation of such a taonga. With this page, we aim to give clarity on our personal process. Keep in mind that each moko artist has their own process so theirs will likely differ from ours. Currently, Te Haunui works exclusively from our home, and he prefers to work very private and intimate. Our space is small, so we only allow one or two support people to be present whilst you receive your mataora. We understand that most people want to have their whole whanau and sometimes friends, and wider hapu present during the application of their moko. We want every person receiving moko to have the experience of their dreams. Unfortunately, it means Te Haunui may not be the artist for you, but there are other excellent moko artists who work in this manner.
  • Brainstorming
    If known, please send your whakapapa. You can share as much or as little as you like. Only share what feels appropriate. This will help Te Haunui during the design process. Note that Te Haunui will not copy other people’s designs or styles. This includes moko kanohi worn by your tipuna. It’s important to ensure your request is a good match before we can discuss appointment dates and accept deposits.
  • Design
    Te Haunui free hand draws all designs onto the face on the day. Te Haunui creates a design that best fits your face proportions. He requires reference photos of your face beforehand. Examples will be sent to you if we decide to work together. Te Haunui maintains the artistic license to create what he believes is right for your mataora.
  • Sessions and Pricing
    Our minimum rate is $1,500 per session. A single session is 7 hours and goes from 9am to 4pm. If the ta moko requires time beyond that, each additional hour will be billed at $150 per hour or $50 per 20 minutes. As this is a creative endeavour and there are many mitigating factors like pain tolerance and skin condition, there is no way to guarantee the exact number of sessions or time required to complete a full mataora. Keep in mind that certain areas of the mataora design are reserved for people who are at specific stages in their life, community, whanau, hapu, iwi. When starting your mataora journey please keep in mind that the current price is only locked in for a year from our first session. Te Haunui only works weekdays. Weekends are reserved for family and friends, however on the odd occasion he will take weekend appointments. The weekend rate is $1,800 per session. The additional hour cost remains the same at $50 per 20 minutes.
  • Payment and Deposit
    Payments for tattoo sessions are due immediately at the end of each session. We accept cash and bank transfers as our only payment methods. WIFI is available to send payment using internet banking. A $500 deposit per session is necessary to secure your appointment/s. Deposits are non- refundable so be absolutely sure you want to get tattooed before making your deposit. This can be paid using internet banking. Account details and instructions will be sent when appointment date has been finalised. The deposit amount is taken out of the price of the session and is not a bill on top of the session rate e.g., for a $1,500 session you will only have $1,000 left to pay. Please ensure you have the full payment ready on the day(s) of your moko appointment(s). We do not accept payment plans after the completion of your session(s). If you won’t have the money ready in time, please let us know so we can reschedule your appointment(s). If you need to change the date of your appointment due to unforeseen circumstances, you must let us know at least seven days prior to the session so we can rearrange our schedules. A new deposit will be required to continue working together if you cancel or reschedule with less than seven days’ notice. You can reschedule your appointment only once without losing your deposit.
  • Appointment and Location
    We are currently located in Tauranga. Exact address will be sent with arrival instructions when we’ve received deposit and you’ve filled out our client waiver. Note: Te Haunui works from his private studio at his home. Two support people maximum only. Do not bring more support people. Please respect our studio tikanga. Please do not drink alcohol for several days prior to your session - this may cause excessive bleeding during the session and cause an issue with the healing process. Make sure to be well-rested before your session and eat breakfast beforehand to prevent low blood sugar issues. Please shave your face the morning of your session before coming to the studio. Take care not to cut yourself. Do not use hair removal creams as some people are known to have bad skin reactions. Dress comfortably. Wear clothing you don’t mind potentially getting ink on. Please shower, brush your teeth, and use deodorant before your session. You may bring any taonga or photos of loved ones to help make the space feel comfortable for you. Again, the studio is small so be reasonable with the amount and size of taonga you bring in. Please bring your own lunch, snacks, and water. If you are late, please inform us via email. If you are more than 15 minutes late without notification, you will be charged $150 extra. If you are more than 30 minutes late without notification, the session will be cancelled without a refund. If you do not show up for your appointment, you will lose your deposit and we will no longer work together.
  • Health concerns and conditions
    Please warn us of any health problems and allergies that may affect the tattoo process in any way. For your protection and the safety of others, please notify us if you’ve felt ill or been sick within the last 14 days. Please note that if you take blood thinning medication, this may affect the results of your ta moko.
  • Closing statement
    In paying your deposit, you agree to the entire policy above and agree that the deposit cannot be refunded for any reason whatsoever. It is essential that we have a video conversation beforehand so Te Haunui can learn about you to inform his approach. It’s recommended you have a family member who knows you well, present during the call. Te Haunui will ask them questions about you to gain a clearer understanding of you as a person. We make sure to respond to emails as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience, and we will reply to you as soon as we can.
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